Saturday, July 13, 2013

Don't Start On Monday!

Ok, this is purely a personal preference but, I think starting anything on Monday makes it even more challenging. Whether it's a new exercise program, new meal plan or both, Mondays are just not the optimal day (in my opinion) to start. Why?  For a large number of us, Mondays are the beginning of the work week. You are already stressed about what the week will hold even before it starts. Adding the extra stress of new meals or starting an exercise regimen tends to make Monday even more stressful. If you are stressed, you'll be less likely to follow through and more likely to not see the value in what you are trying to do, especially on day 1. Remove that possibility!  

I prefer starting something new on Sundays. That's the true beginning of the week and, by Monday, you're already feeling accomplished because you've made it past day 1!  Also, many of the exercise programs that I use follow the pattern of having the fourth day as a recovery day. Starting on Sunday will cause that day to fall on Wednesday, which is normally what we consider our "hump day". The rest day is usually on the seventh day. That will fall on Saturday and who doesn't like a break on Saturday, right?

I realize that this isn't a cookie cutter solution, but if you take these concepts and apply them to your schedule, it may be this small change that can make a big difference in you staying motivated. If you can keep your motivation level elevated, you've already won half the battle! 

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