Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Which Program is Best?

So many times I am questioned on which program is the best. My follow-up question to that is, "What are your goals?"  Without knowing your goals, it is difficult to determine which program would best help you achieve your goals. Even bigger than the program is your purpose. Yes, I said that. I'm more interested in your purpose than your program.  Don't get me wrong--I am a huge fan of the BeachBody programs. P90X, Insanity and Focus T25 have helped me reach fitness levels that I used to only dream of. I love those programs and plan to work my way through some of the others like Insanity: Asylum, Les Mills Combat and maybe P90X2. Did you hear what I said about them though?  I said, I ENJOY them. (Well, actually I just implied it, but you know what I mean.)  I'm a big believer that your attitude about a program is key.  If you know your purpose and you enjoy what you are doing, you will stay on track. Even if you know your purpose but are miserable, you'll likely quit. Likewise, if you don't know your purpose but are enjoying the workout, the likelihood of you trying something else is better, but you may lose motivation because you aren't getting the desired results. So, how do we solve this riddle?

First, determine your purpose. Do you want to lose weight?  Tone up? Gain muscle mass? Increase cardio capacity?  A combination of a couple of those?  Once you make that decision, it's time to do your homework. Not all fitness programs are created equal. Some have beginners in mind. Others are for those who are at the intermediate level while even others are for the person who has been exercising regularly for a while. Determine what program you think will best help you achieve your goals based on the purpose that you have for doing the program. 

Next, start the program. Now, you have to be fair at this point.  If this is your first exercise program, you are probably gonna hate it at first. Let's be real. You're gonna be sore, it's gonna be making you do things that make you uncomfortable and none of us enjoy that.  To make a fair assessment, you really need to give it 3-4 weeks, in my opinion. That will let you get through some of the initial soreness, allow you to push past the initial learning curve of doing the routines and you should even start seeing some results. If, at the end of a four week period you still hate the program, you may want to try to find something else that you can enjoy. 

The final step is to stick with it!  If it is a 90-day program that you have committed to, stay with it. The program is built around the time frames that are given. You shouldn't expect the results to come if you don't finish the program. Once you finish, then it's time to reassess where you are, what your new goals will be and start the process over again. 

That's it!  Not rocket science, huh?  Just a few simple steps to finding your success. So, now here are  the questions I want you to ask:  (1) What are my fitness goals? (2) What programs are out there that can help me reach my goals? and (3) Do I enjoy this program and does it keep me motivated?  Once you have answered all of those questions, you'll be well on your way to success.  Feel free to email me at darrenrcline@beachbodycoach.com if you would like information on any of the BeachBody programs. 

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