Saturday, March 28, 2015


Yesterday, I learned the power of the pause.  Most of the time, when encouraging your fitness, I'll tell you to, "push play". While it is definitely important to get your daily exercise in, it's also important to create margin to allow God to speak into your life. Have you ever thought about the power of the pause?  There's the dramatic pause in theatre to create anticipation; there's the pause button on your DVD player to prevent you from missing one second of your favorite movie; there's the pause (rest) in music to create the space that's needed between the notes to make a beautiful melody rather than a jumbled mess of notes. Don't underestimate the power of the pause!  So, today I'm encouraging you to "push pause", if you haven't done so in a while.  That break or space may be the very thing you need to get you ready for life's next adventure!

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