Friday, November 20, 2015

Choose to find the positive!!!

Some people may say that because I only post about the positive or fun things that happen in life, I only portray my "FaceBook life" for people to see. I don't see it that way at all. It's not that I don't have problems, never have a bad day or never feel bad. I have my share--believe me. I choose, however, to find good in every situation. If I can't find it, I choose to believe that the good will be revealed at a later time. Is that easy? No. Do I have to remind myself to be intentional?  Daily. Just like exercise is a conditioning of the physical body, finding the good is conditioning of the mind. Start being intentional and look for the positive!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Beachbody Summer Sale

Mark your calendars! This Wednesday, June 10th you can save up to 85% on select Beachbody products during the Team Beachbody sizzling hot Summer Sale. The U.S. sale runs from June 10th through June 17 at 12PM PT. In Canada, the sale begins Thursday, June 11, and lasts until June 18 at 12PM PT. Contact me if you'd like to get an account set up so you can take advantage of this event!

Tuesday, April 28, 2015



I'm looking for 5 people--just 5--who are ready to focus on their health for the 30 days!!

MY COMMITMENT TO YOU: I'll help you find a style of exercise that will fit both your schedule and preferred style, make sure you get a well-balanced meal plan, provide you with daily support and accountability check-ins, help you set realistic goals, provide advice when asked/needed and give one-on-one attention to make sure you succeed. 

YOUR COMMITMENT TO YOURSELF :  You'll give it your VERY BEST for 30 days. You'll not make excuses and you'll not look for a reason to quit. You'll be ALL IN for 30 days.

I'm looking for people who are serious and committed. Every person selected will be entered into a drawing for a prize valued at more than $60!  If you are seriously interested, complete the application located at the link below!  

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Stay Dedicated!

This is something that I constantly tell myself. This applies to all aspects of our lives. Improvements, changes and progress usually takes time. If the change is really worth it, if it's something you really want, then dedicate to the journey!  Some things worth having may take some time!

Monday, March 30, 2015

Bring Life Into Alignment

. . . get out there and walk

. . . on the road God called you to travel—Ephesians 4:1-3


A steel beam has integrity when its purpose, its design, its manufacture, and its use are aligned. Said another way, to have integrity a beam must be designed and manufactured for a specific purpose—and it must actually be used toward that purpose. We can count on a beam like that, even to bear a heavy and important load, because all its existence is in alignment.


Though considerably more complex and wondrous, obviously, than a steel beam, we humans need alignment too, to have that kind of integrity. You see, God designs and builds us for specific purposes:


“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).


God gives us natural talents and spiritual gifts and hearts with unique passions. And he shapes us further by our individual journeys. So, for each of us, our purposes, our design, and the way we’re built are always aligned. God does that. Unlike the beam, however, he allows us to choose our uses. He allows us to choose how we spend our lives. If we ask and search, listen and discover what he had in mind when he dreamt us up and knit us together—and then allow ourselves to be used in the ways he intends—we bring our lives into full alignment. If we strike out on our own, though, and follow the world’s “oughts” into other uses altogether, we commit ourselves to living lives of misalignment.


Okay, so what do we do?

Start small and be practical. Come up with a short-term project that requires your unique skills and abilities, your unique spiritual gifts (if you know them), and your unique passions. Choose something with significance—i.e., it helps others. Then, don’t wait. Get going on it.

Sunday, March 29, 2015


If you are encouraged by what you see, please LIKE and SHARE our page!!  Let's grow this together!!  Jump over to our FaceBook Fan Page and help us out!!

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Yesterday, I learned the power of the pause.  Most of the time, when encouraging your fitness, I'll tell you to, "push play". While it is definitely important to get your daily exercise in, it's also important to create margin to allow God to speak into your life. Have you ever thought about the power of the pause?  There's the dramatic pause in theatre to create anticipation; there's the pause button on your DVD player to prevent you from missing one second of your favorite movie; there's the pause (rest) in music to create the space that's needed between the notes to make a beautiful melody rather than a jumbled mess of notes. Don't underestimate the power of the pause!  So, today I'm encouraging you to "push pause", if you haven't done so in a while.  That break or space may be the very thing you need to get you ready for life's next adventure!


Has life ever thrown something at you that you didn't expect?  Think you're not strong enough to endure that situation?  Let me give you something to think about. What if the purpose of you encountering that situation so you can help someone later in life's journey?  What if the only way you could cross paths with someone who needs the encouragement that only you can provide is through that experience?  I know that things seem tough, mountains seem high and circumstances seem impossible. I want to encourage you to have faith in the One who gave you this life. He is faithful. He who began a good work in you WILL be FAITHFUL to COMPLETE it!!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Try something new!!!

This was my equipment today. Just add a willing body and some pavement and you've got one great workout!!  A few years ago I would have never imagined that I would ever "go running" much less enjoy it. Now, it's a normal part of my exercise regimen!  Try something new--you just might surprise yourself!!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Never Give Up!

Ever had a day when you just didn't feel like moving on?  Hit a stumbling block? Feel like giving in?  I hope this encourages you. No matter how you are moving forward, as long as you are moving, you are winning!!  Just don't ever give up!

Monday, February 23, 2015

A New Life Awaits

So many times in the past, I would read quotes like this and think that it was just something that sounded good but that there wasn't any real truth to it. Now, I try to tell people this but I feel I fail to really convey it. Honestly, I understand why it's hard to believe. When you feel trapped, you can't see past the present. You don't see the potential. I lived this way for many years of my adult life life. Let me encourage you if weight loss is one of your goals. Please don't give up. Remain steady and consistent. I'm living proof that hard work and perseverance pay off!  A new life awaits you!!  Go get it!!

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Never write someone off just because of their past!

My pastor has said the phrase many times that, "We judge others by their actions and ourselves by our intentions."  We should never write someone off just because they make a mistake. The grace and mercy that we hope to receive is the same that we should extend. Thankfully, God NEVER forgets His perfect plan and purpose for each of us!

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Balancing Priorities

Sometimes it's hard to figure out how to balance all of the things that are important in our lives. Just like in this picture, it feels like all of our priorities are on different paths, moving in their own direction. How do you balance this?  My first recommendation is to prioritize your priorities.  It doesn't mean that you are saying something isn't important. It just means that you may have to sacrifice one thing today because something else has become more important. Also remember, those "top priorities" could change from day to day. Once you learn how to prioritize your priorities, you'll notice something else start to change. Instead of your priorities pulling you in different directions, you'll see them start to align and actually support each other!   So, here's your challenge. Take a look at your priorities. If you feel like they are pulling you in different directions, decide which ones need to be most important at certain times of the day/week. Then, focus on those priorities. Come back to the others when the time is right!

Get Jacked Up!

One of my team members posted this quote the other day and I loved it!  Too often, we focus on the negative!  It's time for us to focus on the things that motivate us to be our very best in all aspects of our lives!  Let's get ALL JACKED UP on motivation!!