Monday, March 30, 2015

Bring Life Into Alignment

. . . get out there and walk

. . . on the road God called you to travel—Ephesians 4:1-3


A steel beam has integrity when its purpose, its design, its manufacture, and its use are aligned. Said another way, to have integrity a beam must be designed and manufactured for a specific purpose—and it must actually be used toward that purpose. We can count on a beam like that, even to bear a heavy and important load, because all its existence is in alignment.


Though considerably more complex and wondrous, obviously, than a steel beam, we humans need alignment too, to have that kind of integrity. You see, God designs and builds us for specific purposes:


“For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).


God gives us natural talents and spiritual gifts and hearts with unique passions. And he shapes us further by our individual journeys. So, for each of us, our purposes, our design, and the way we’re built are always aligned. God does that. Unlike the beam, however, he allows us to choose our uses. He allows us to choose how we spend our lives. If we ask and search, listen and discover what he had in mind when he dreamt us up and knit us together—and then allow ourselves to be used in the ways he intends—we bring our lives into full alignment. If we strike out on our own, though, and follow the world’s “oughts” into other uses altogether, we commit ourselves to living lives of misalignment.


Okay, so what do we do?

Start small and be practical. Come up with a short-term project that requires your unique skills and abilities, your unique spiritual gifts (if you know them), and your unique passions. Choose something with significance—i.e., it helps others. Then, don’t wait. Get going on it.

Sunday, March 29, 2015


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Saturday, March 28, 2015


Yesterday, I learned the power of the pause.  Most of the time, when encouraging your fitness, I'll tell you to, "push play". While it is definitely important to get your daily exercise in, it's also important to create margin to allow God to speak into your life. Have you ever thought about the power of the pause?  There's the dramatic pause in theatre to create anticipation; there's the pause button on your DVD player to prevent you from missing one second of your favorite movie; there's the pause (rest) in music to create the space that's needed between the notes to make a beautiful melody rather than a jumbled mess of notes. Don't underestimate the power of the pause!  So, today I'm encouraging you to "push pause", if you haven't done so in a while.  That break or space may be the very thing you need to get you ready for life's next adventure!


Has life ever thrown something at you that you didn't expect?  Think you're not strong enough to endure that situation?  Let me give you something to think about. What if the purpose of you encountering that situation so you can help someone later in life's journey?  What if the only way you could cross paths with someone who needs the encouragement that only you can provide is through that experience?  I know that things seem tough, mountains seem high and circumstances seem impossible. I want to encourage you to have faith in the One who gave you this life. He is faithful. He who began a good work in you WILL be FAITHFUL to COMPLETE it!!

Monday, March 9, 2015

Try something new!!!

This was my equipment today. Just add a willing body and some pavement and you've got one great workout!!  A few years ago I would have never imagined that I would ever "go running" much less enjoy it. Now, it's a normal part of my exercise regimen!  Try something new--you just might surprise yourself!!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Never Give Up!

Ever had a day when you just didn't feel like moving on?  Hit a stumbling block? Feel like giving in?  I hope this encourages you. No matter how you are moving forward, as long as you are moving, you are winning!!  Just don't ever give up!