Tuesday, January 28, 2014

P90X3 Review - Day 3

Today's workout was Yoga-X!  Yoga is definitely not a strong suit of mine.  I really don't enjoy it and I'm not good at it.  I haven't figured out if I'm not good at it because I don't enjoy it or vise versa.  Regardless, I will say that I DID enjoy this session much better than the 92 minute session that is part of the original P90X.  There are still enough of the moves from that video to let you know that it is an X yoga routine but some new ones for you to try too. 

Fitness isn't always about doing what you are "good" at.  Sometimes moving outside your comfort zone and learning different things can improve your fitness too.  It is obvious to me that my balance and inner core strength is something that still needs some work.  After doing this once a week for 13 weeks, I should be in much better shape. 

I can't say I was excited about it, but I finished it.  I'm sure this one will be a love-hate relationship for a while, but I'll get there!

Feel free to contact me at teambeachbodycoachdarren@gmail.com with any questions.

Monday, January 27, 2014

P90X3 Review - Day 2

Today was Day 2 - Agility X.  The workout is built around targets, speed and balance--of course, strength-building comes into play as well.  The video suggests using tape to create your "planes" (or lines) that you are working in, on and around.  I used six coins instead and it worked fine.  The workout varies speeds, direction and several different moves to keep moving your heart rate up.  There were a few moves that really challenged me, especially with Tony's quick changes.  For example, in a move called 3.4, I decided to do my own sequence.  With this being my first attempt and dealing with the learning curve of executing the moves (which I'll still need to work on), I just couldn't keep track of what Tony was calling out for me to do.  The workout wraps ups with plyo (or jump) push-ups.  This was a great finish that required you to dig deep and give it your all.  

Overall, a great workout but definitely one that will take a while to master.  I found myself frustrated a couple of times, but that's expected anytime you are learning something new.  Excited for day 3--yoga. 

Questions or need support?  Email me at teambeachbodycoachdarren@gmail.com.  Can't wait to hear from you1

Sunday, January 26, 2014

P90X3 Review - Day1

I'm going to do a quick review each day (that I can) of P90X3.  I started the program today.  I have only one word--WOW!  For a 30 minute session, it was great.  I really enjoyed it.  The name of workout is Total Synergistics.  It works nearly every part of your body from your shoulders to your calves.  My suggestion, if you are going to do this workout, is to have several different sizes of weights available.  Some of the moves require you to hold one dumbbell with two hands.  You'll want heavier weights for those moves.  Others require one in each hand.  Those will require less weight.  Also, if you haven't quite mastered pull-ups (which I haven't) you'll want to have something to assist with that or use bands with a door attachment (the video shows you how to do that).  

Overall, it was an awesome 30 minute workout.  I went "all in" and give it 110% for the whole 30 minutes.  Several moves require quite a bit of balance, which was quite challenging but that's part of the fun.  There is always a learning curve when you start a new program.  

If you are interested in this program, send me an email at teambeachbodycoachdarren@gmail.com.  I'll help you get a great deal and make sure you get the support you need to stay on track.  Stay tuned for the next review!