Tuesday, January 28, 2014

P90X3 Review - Day 3

Today's workout was Yoga-X!  Yoga is definitely not a strong suit of mine.  I really don't enjoy it and I'm not good at it.  I haven't figured out if I'm not good at it because I don't enjoy it or vise versa.  Regardless, I will say that I DID enjoy this session much better than the 92 minute session that is part of the original P90X.  There are still enough of the moves from that video to let you know that it is an X yoga routine but some new ones for you to try too. 

Fitness isn't always about doing what you are "good" at.  Sometimes moving outside your comfort zone and learning different things can improve your fitness too.  It is obvious to me that my balance and inner core strength is something that still needs some work.  After doing this once a week for 13 weeks, I should be in much better shape. 

I can't say I was excited about it, but I finished it.  I'm sure this one will be a love-hate relationship for a while, but I'll get there!

Feel free to contact me at teambeachbodycoachdarren@gmail.com with any questions.

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